Tag Archive | Tea Party

Does Anyone Smell A Rat?

Carl Writes:

The Stench of the Regime Is Thick: A List of The Latest Conservative Targets

Posted by Jim Hoft on Friday, January 24, 2014, 7:36 PM

lerner shulman
Lois Lerner takes the 5th.
Probably just a coincidence.
Reader Joe sent this in to Pajamas Media
I am not a rocket scientist, but there seems to be some kind of pattern here… maybe you can tell me what it is… (includes items from Ace’s co-blogger Maetenloch)
5.  New York Governor’s Dept of Labor Subpoenas James O’Keefe, Project Veritas – NY Governor Cuomo Subpoenas Conservative Activist James O’Keefe
This is starting to make Nixon look like a walk in the park
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As an FYI – A John Edwards donor was charged with a misdemeanor in 2011 for doing the same thing D’Souza did:
…a prominent Los Angeles attorney, Pierce O’Donnell, pleaded guilty to misdemeanor charges of making $20,000 in donations to the presidential campaign of former Sen. John Edwards and reimbursing straw donors.
The stench is getting unbearable.
Rat copy
To see where this graphic came from, read An American Tail?
God Bless America – Pass This On!!

The New Normal?



I’m in Boston right now and of course the news is focused on the bomb threats at Harvard.  Both local and national media are covering this heavily….mostly because it’s Boston and it’s another bomb threat.  But what’s interesting is that as they show students and people on the Harvard campus walking by the TV cameras and carrying on their daily lives, they seemed unconcerned.  In fact, it’s been reported that Harvard students cheered when they were told finals were cancelled for the day.  Cheered?  There’s a bomb threat yet they cheer because college tests are avoided?  Welcome to the new ‘normal.’  Welcome to a world where all that’s paramount is short-term gratification.  It’s a world that most young people – thanks to my ‘Baby Boomer’ generation – only care about what might happen in the next nano-second with no concern for the long term.  A truly abnormal normal.

Harvard Students Applaud Bomb Threat After Final Exams Canceled  To fix this, Heritage has suggested a tax credit or tax deduction that would be the same for everyone. This would help offset the cost of insurance, making it more affordable.

Harvard Bomb Scare Forces Evacuations, Halts Final Exams

The Harvard Crimson has updates on Twitter and its Website


How to Help Uninsured Americans  To fix this, Heritage has suggested a tax credit or tax deduction that would be the same for everyone. This would help offset the cost of insurance, making it more affordable.

Why Hasn’t Jane Fonda’s $800G Charity Made Any Gifts Since 2006?  Bah Humbug, Hanoi Jane.

IRS Targeting, Round Two  The administration claims this rule is needed to clarify confusing tax laws. Hardly. The rule is the IRS’s new targeting program—only this time systematic, more effective, and with the force of law.  Yeah….those Tea Party groups need more regs but you go, Jane Fonda!!

LOL!  ANC Hires Garrett Morris as Sign Language Interpreter  A White House official applauded the move, saying HHS was looking into hiring Morris as the official sign language interpreter for videos found on the website Healthcare.gov.

Biden Gropes for Way to Knock ObamaCare Off Front Pages  Unfortunately for Biden and the O team, Biden’s latest headline-grabbing antic, no doubt choreographed to drive the ObamaCare news off the front pages, appears to involve grabbing of more than just news headlines.  YIKES!!!!

He's just a 'folksy' kinda guy.....

He’s just a ‘folksy’ kinda guy…..

Watch this when you get the time.  Mike Lee is brilliant.

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