Tag Archive | Keystone Pipeline

Hump Day Report: Friday Follies

ALOHA, ALL!!  It’s Friday – so let’s start off with a re-cap of the week’s news from PJTV:

Kind of puts it all into perspective doesn’t it????

In other news:

“Fair Share” rigamarole.  Is The Buffett Rule an Election Year Gimmick?  “For all of his rhetoric that the measure would “stabilize our debt and deficits for the next decade,” the Buffett Rule would bring in only $47 billion in revenue in ten years. To put those numbers in context, President Obama’s budget calls for adding $6.7 trillion to the national debt. So the Buffett Rule would cover just 0.007% of all of Obama’s debt and .001% of Obama’s spending.”  Contrast with this:  A 1% Spending Cut Is 6 Times As Effective As The Buffett Rule 

I don’t think the Dems  want to see this video:    Ten years later, ANWR remains closed, gas prices have skyrocketed, and Obama continues to block additional energy production.  Or maybe the Dems have seen it.  Looks like they are defecting from their Dear Leader:  Obama Faces Defeat on Keystone Pipeline 

VEEP talk.  Of Potential Veeps, Condoleeza Rice Has Highest Favorability Among Republicans  “Condi’s ticket-balancing credentials are obvious, she would more than hold her own in a debate, she’s been tested in the national spotlight and she has a kind of grace and gravitas that seemingly leave her unfazed by anything. She’s equally comfortable defending controversial foreign policy as she is playing classical piano for the queen. She’s certainly a compelling choice, and I can understand why she polled as well as she did.”

“Jobs” plans?  New Obama Plan Would Allow Workers To Keep Unemployment Benefits After They Are Hired  and  DC Employees Model Congress by Collecting Unemployment While Employed  “Is it any coincidence that such a large scale corruption and theft took place in the shadows of the US Capitol Building and White House?”

Final Thought:  “…the Supreme Court had unleashed a predator that was oozing slime into the political system.”  Nancy Pelosi, Congresswoman and expert on slime and political system predators

Hump Day Report: It’s The Gas Gas Gas!

ALOHA, ALL!!!  Gas prices continue to rise.  Here in Hawaii, gasoline has been over $4/gallon for many months and some parts of the mainland are the same.  Nationwide, the average price of a gallon of gas is now $3.80/gallon (check out this nifty daily gas tracker from AAA:  Daily Fuel Gauge Report)   So what is Barry doing?  Some say he really can’t do anything…after all, he’s just the President of the United States.  He can’t enact policies that will make us energy independent or be forward-thinking.  Oh wait – that didn’t quite make sense, did it?  0bama’s entire energy policy doesn’t make sense, unless you realize he doesn’t give a rip about high gas prices (even though he said he did when he was campaigning in 2008.  He’s President now so all that matters is moving forward on his statist, government-supported, green agenda.)  And the fawning media are all too happy to support him (shaka to Garry for the link.)  

Ah….but the American people are finally catching on.  Oh my: Obama’s approval rating hits new low in CBS poll « Hot Air  “Just 41 percent of Americans approve of the job Mr. Obama is doing as president, according to the poll, conducted from March 7 to 11. Another 47 percent disapprove of his performance, up from 41 percent last month. Mr. Obama’s approval rating was 50 percent last month. The average U.S. price of a gallon of gasoline has jumped 12 cents over the past two weeks.”

HAVE YOU ODERED YOURS YET?  Gas Station “Stick it to Obama” Sticky Note  “Now, you can purchase a pack of 25 sticky notes with this message from Patriot Depot for only $4.95! Sticky notes are a great way to quickly spread the conservative message with no sticky residue! Buy a pack of 100 sticky notes for just $14.95!”  Hubby just ordered 100 😉  They will be put to good use here in the People’s Republic of Hawaii – the “birthplace” of Barry!!

ALERT!  CRONY SOCIALISM VOTE TODAY!  American Majority Alert | American Majority  “We are asking all Senators to vote “No” on the Menendez/Burr Amendment (Amendment #1782, also known as the Pickens’ Plan and the NAT GAS Act) that has been inserted into the Senate Highway Bill.”  THIS IS THE ONE THAT WOULD MAKE T.BOONE PICKENS  AND GEORGE SOROS EVEN WEALTHIER.

THE KEYSTONE PIPELINE ISN’T DEAD YET.  Keystone pipeline revival tucked in Senate vote this week – HUMAN EVENTS  “Senate Republicans this week will challenge for the second time in a matter of days President Barack Obama’s contentious decision to kill the Keystone XL pipeline by tying the project to a popular tax break for working families.”

Final Thought:  Of course, now I can’t get this song out of my head! Even more disturbing…what are those people wearing?  And why is John Lennon using sign language?  Oh well…..