Hump Day Happenings


It’s Hump Day and lots of news, so let’s get to it!!!

The Hillary PR machine is out in full force!  A mini-series…a lunch date with Preezy…trying to distance from Weiner-gate (see below from Carl.)  But if we had an honest media, they would also cover these:  Top 5 Hillary Gaffes You Won’t See in Upcoming Mini-Series.  My favorite is the reset button with Russia.  Yeah….that worked out great!


This one flew under the radar:  Ohio School District Allows Concealed Carry for Principals

So these weren’tPhony Scandals‘??  “They’re killing Big Bird!”  “Binders full of women!”  “Romney put his dog on top of his car!”

Real scandals??  Check this out:  Watchers of Weasels Nominations:  Phony Scandals Edition   I’d say there’s enough there to keep one occupied for a while.


Who’s Larry?  We’ve covered recent obituaries for Vietnam POW and CMH recipient, Bud Day; the father of fracking, George Mitchell. But have you ever heard of Larry Gratwohl? Another man that sacrificed so much for his country.

As written on these pages, the energy bounty before us is no longer a secret. A combination of technology and previously untapped supply. Even the Saudis are scared. And tell me there is no God, in these days and times, living through the last 40 years of lectures and hectoring by the likes of Jimmy Carter, Al Gore, and Obama. They have all insisted we worship at the alter of “peak oil” – a term used to describe the coming end of energy from the ground. Heresy, indeed. But if you are old enough, imagine how long it will take the zeitgeist to turn of massive government programs, and media liberals before it is acknowledged that our energy future is brighter than thought even 5 years ago? And no thanks, really, to any politician. This boom is being fueled by private sector land, and existing leases of federal land. Sorry, Barry.

Imagine What Happens When Global Warming and Name-Your-Correlation “Science” is Refuted 1,122 Record Cold Temps in USA — in one week… The next thing we’ll know is “change” scientists will tell us Neanderthal DNA exists in modern humans!


This report has tried to remain Weiner-free as much as possible (but notice how determined the media is to knock him out of politics?) If Hillary is behind this media pit-bullishness with her pals, imagine the ashtrays, pots and pans that must be flying today at the Sink Emperor’s Chappaqua residence:  MOVE OVER WEINER: Lewinsky sex recording to Bill surfaces…

Uh oh!  Here is a curiosity. Sharyl Attkisson (Twitter Page) is a CBS investigative reporter. If not THE, certainly ONE of the best. She has led in uncovering many Obama scandals. Almost to the point where CBS had become uncomfortable with her good work. You know – news that is seldom on ABC, NBC, CNN, MSNBC, only to be sheepishly reported after FNC beats them to the scoop. Sometimes BIG NEWS reports actual news, but they don’t give it front page coverage if it doesn’t fit their narratives (the New York Times is Pravda-like in this method – moving sometimes BIG news to back sections, just so they can say it was covered). So Attkisson Tweets the Other Day About  

Congress interviewing “dozens” of Benghazi witnesses

Apparently, CBS maintains an “extended news” web page that looks at stories they have been covering. I don’t think this Benghazi coverage makes what CBS once passed as the Evening News.

Remember when HOME OWNERSHIP was a concern?   Federal Reserve Announces No New Change To Policy, But Flags Low Inflation As A Risk

Think of the Billions Spent, then Ignoring the Russians That Said: Chechnian Radicals You Gave Asylum (and Welfare) to are getting frequent flyer miles on Moscow-to-Boston loop! Why Is The NSA Wasting Time Going After The ‘Typical’ Internet User? Answer the PHONE!

Celebrate Diversity! DC paint vandal suspect is Chinese woman on expired visa 


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About giliar

An American patriot who has gone rogue - I will remember in November!

13 responses to “Hump Day Happenings”

  1. NEO says :

    Reblogged this on nebraskaenergyobserver and commented:
    Gilia (and Carl) have a very good summary of what’s going on lately. The real stuff, not what the other hand is doing. Good stuff, Guys!!!

  2. NEO says :

    Close to the best week I remember on nominations, they are all very strong. Really good catch on Graftwohl as well.

  3. Carl says :

    Breaking: CNN (Jake Taper) Reports big Benghazi news: Benghazi BIG CIA operation. As many as 36 “on ground” night of attack. Many wounded. White House tried to cover up, using “video” meme.

    Another says, “You have no idea the amount of pressure being brought to bear on anyone with knowledge of this operation.”

    See News!

    • giliar says :

      Thanks, Carl!!! I just sent out a new post with your info. Let’s hope this blows the lid off the scheming, lying SOBs and dooms Hillary to baking cookies for Bill for the rest of her life.

      • Carl says :

        Ironic that Shary Attkisson of CBS has done so much of the non-FNC heavy lifting of Obama’s abuses without many reporters at other legacy media outlets. Jake Taper is a fresh voice (prior Benghazi work), and good reporter that CNN snagged from ABC (that is more Disney than news). Who knows, maybe CNN is ready to move out of the ratings basement and actually do news!

      • giliar says :

        Maybe Carl – but I’m not holding my breath!

  4. Tom says :

    It’s less a matter of a dishonest media than it is a media free to be dishonest–that is to say, biased propaganda machines.

    Ah, “freedom of the press” is such a invaluable component in maintaining constitutional government.

  5. charlieboc says :

    Re latest Clinton/Lewinsky revelation: Just wondering, has the FDA received a request to test/approve Ginko Blowjoba for public release? Just wonderin’!

  6. giliar says :

    You are very welcome! Thanks for the excellent post.